DekDrain Channel Drainage Corner PVC

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DekDrain Channel Drainage Corner PVC
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EAN Code 0798237221694
Brand Deks
Colour Black
Length 120mm
Material Polypropylene
Pack Size Single
Dimension 120mm (L) x 1000mm (W) x 94mm (H)
Specification BS EN 1435
Size 94mm
Grate Opening Size 7mm x 20mm
£10.98 £9.15
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This DekDrain channel drainage PVC corner is the ideal solution for connecting your DekDrain system in different directions. It offers the flexibility to change the direction of flow and includes an A15 load class, capable of withstanding up to 1.5 tonnes.

Made from Polypropylene with ribbed construction, the channel drain corner ensure excellent strength, damage resistance, and superior bonding to concrete, while providing exceptional flow rates and anti-silt performance.